Trying to post videos to my YouTube channel regularly. Thinking about getting on a schedule of once every other Wednesday. Should be pretty easy for now but a little concerned about the commitment once the backlog of shit I never posted gets depleted. Oh well. We’ll see how it goes. I’m sick right now and I’m posting so that has to say something about my resolve. Ttyl. 20:32:502018-02-07 20:32:50NEW VIDEO: "Spiritrials (excerpt) - The Good One"
My brother said he wasn’t watching the Superbowl this year. Might be the only thing I’ve ever heard him talk about protesting. I know if he was touched by the Kaepernick protests, the NFL’s response, and all the blow back that ensued, he probably wasn’t the only one.
I wrote this poem the week after Trump’s “sons of bitches” comment directed to NFL athletes who had knelt during the national anthem. When I heard about the widespread response to it from the NFL – players and coaches kneeling or making an acknowledgement during the Sunday pre-game national anthem – I was moved. I thought about the man who started this off and how he didn’t even have the opportunity to participate in what he may sparked off.
My brother told me that the NFL would be donating millions to “social justice ” causes as some form of repentance. “How ’bout we start with giving Kaepernick his job back?” he said. “Let’s start there.” Yeah, let’s start there. Callin’ Kaepernick.